Why your python editor sucks

I'm doing a reasonable amount of python-coding work these days. It would help me to have an editor that doesn't suck. My requirements are:
  1. Small & Fast. I'm not after a massive clunky IDE, just an editor with enough smarts to make editing multiple python files easier.
  2. Sensible syntax highlighting.
  3. Understands python indentation, PEP8 style. Specifically, indents with 4 spaces, backspace key can be used to unindent.
  4. Can be integrated with one or more lint checkers. Right now I use a wonderful combination of pep8, pyflakes and pylint. I want the output of these to be integrated with the editor so I can jump to the file & line where the problem exists.
That's it. I don't think I'm asking too much. Here's the editors I've tried, and why they suck:

  1. KATE. I love kate, it's my default text editor for almost everything. However, there is no way to integrate lint checkers. I could write a plugin, but that's yet another distraction from actually doing my work.
  2. Vim. I'm already reasonably skilled with vim, and Alain Lafon's blog post contains some great tips to make vim even better. My problem with vim is simply that it's too cryptic. Sure, I could spend a few years polishing my vim skills, but I want it to just work. Vim goes in the "kind of cool, but too cryptic" basket.
  3. Eric. When you launch eric for the first time it opens the configuration dialog box. It looks like this:
    How many options do I really need for an editor? Over-stuffed options dialogs is the first sign of trouble. It gets worse however, once you dismiss the settings window, the editor looks like this:

    Need I say more?
  4. Geany. Looks promising, but no integration into lint checkers.
  5. pida. Integrates with vim or emacs for the editor component. Looks promising, although the user interface is slightly clunky in places. Pida suffers from exactly the same problems as vim does however, but I may end up using it.
There are a few options I have not tried, and probably won't:
  1. Eclipse & pydev. Eclipse is a huge, hulking beast. I want a small, fast, lean editor, not an IDE.
  2. Emacs. Can't be bothered learning another editor. Doesn't look that much different to vim, so what's the point in learning both?
  3. KDevelop. Same reason as Eclipse, above.

I suspect there's a market for a simple python editor that just works. Please! Someone build it!

Visual Studio Exception Woes

Microsoft, in their infinite wisdom have decided to make programming easier. How? By setting the default behavior for Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate to be to ignore (i.e.- not break on) exceptions thrown from non user-code. Behold the default settings for exceptions in a brand new C# project:
Try as I might, I have not yet discovered a way to change the default for these settings for all projects. How am I supposed to teach students about exception handling when Microsoft are doing their best to get rid of them?


Attention all Programmers:

As a user of open source software, I like to try and give something back to the community whenever I can. As a somewhat proficient programmer i can do this more often than most, but one of the most effective ways of giving back for non-programmers is by filing bug reports.

Unfortunately, there are two main issues with this:
  1. Submitting a bug report is often incredibly painful. Most software bug trackers I have seen require an account, which means registering a new username & password (I can't wait for more non-essential services like bug trackers to start using openId), activating my account... all this can take 30 minutes of more. Submitting a bug report should be a fire-and-forget affair, taking 10 minutes tops: any longer and I can't afford to spend my time.

    Many bug trackers ask users for information that is hard to obtain, or intimidating to non-programmers. How many users know their CPU architecture? Or distribution? Or even the software version they're using? One way around this is to have the bug-reporting done from within the application on the client machine itself, but still - bug trackers should be as friendly to users as possible. How about posting some simple instructions on how to obtain this information for non-technical users?

  2. Even after navigating the multiple hurdles involved in submitting a bug, you then have to deal with the programmers fielding the bug report. This is where it gets tricky. Many programmers view bug reports as a personal insult to them (perhaps subconsciously). Many programmers will triage bugs that they don't want to fix, giving excuses like "It's like that by design", or simply "Low priority, won't fix".

    Here's the thing though: The customer is (nearly) always right.

    If a user has taken the time to navigate your awful bug tracking software and submit a bug, it must be a big deal to them. If the matter at hand really is like that "by design", your design is probably screwy. If you won't fix it because it's low priority then you need to stop adding new features, and fix the ones you already have.
Open source software seems to suffer from these problems more than commercial software. I guess it's because we're not trying to extract money from our clients. Can you imagine a professional code shop telling a paying customer "I'm sorry, we're not going to fix that bug you reported, because we intended it to work like that"? Yeah, right.

So how do we fix this for the open source world?

There's no simple answer that I can fathom. It requires programmers to be a bit smarter and have a bit more empathy for the mere mortals who have to use their software. As a programmer, I include myself in this category.

That is all, thank you.

Code Craftsmanship

Dunedin now has a local code craftsmanship group!

Code craftsmanship is like craftsmanship in any other area. It describes the transition between knowing how to write code, and knowing how to write good code. Like most crafts, there's an element of constant iterative learning involved. Working with people who have more experience than you can save you some of those iterations.

This is an excellent opportunity to meet other programmers, and discover the rich, yet hidden IT talents in Dunedin. If you're interested in joining us, check out the (brand new, as yet unfinished) website.

Project Documentation

Why is it that most open source project pages are so terrible at documenting their own project?

I'm not talking about API or technical documentation - I'm talking about telling new visitors to your site what the hell your code is about.

Project authors, here are some handy tips:
  1. On your project front page, right at the top, put a simple explanation of what your code does (or what you hope it will do someday). Remember that your audience may not have the same level of technical experience as you do. Examples (screenshots, code snippets) are a MUST. A picture speaks a thousand words and all that...

  2. Make sure you include the development status of your project. I can't count the number of times I've spent 30 minutes looking at a project only to realize that it's not nearly complete enough to be usable to me. There's no shame in saying "this library is working, but not production ready. It is missing features X, Y, Z"

  3. Inject some enthusiasm! How many boring, dull, dry project descriptions do I have to read through? Most sound like the authors aren't passionate about their product. Sell your project; inject some enthusiasm, and maybe your viewers will become more enthusiastic in the process!
Well, that's my rant for the day. Now I must go update my project documentation...

Life Update

Yes, It's been a while.

In the last few months I've been through the painful experience of trying to keep a company running despite the best efforts of the directors. Realising that the odds were stacked against me I decided to throw in the towel and relocate back to New Zealand.

So farewell England! I arrived as a graduate programmer, with a bit of open source hacking under my belt, and left with several years programming experience, a whole ton of knowledge that could not be leaned through any means but hard work, not to mention a few (emotional) scars. It's been a great experience, and one I encourage any graduate to do.

So now I'm back in Dunedin, what am I doing? Well, I've taken a 12 month contract to teach at Otago polytechnic; I'll be teaching third year programming and database papers. I've also completed a short stint programming for ARL and fixing the Survival Factor exhibits at Otago Museum. I'm hoping to set myself up as a contractor, so I can take on any odd jobs that I see.

My hope is that I will be able to return to more open source hacking now that I'm in a more flexible working environment. I'm not sure what project I'll end up helping - perhaps KDE, perhaps something new.

Will write more soon.

Design and Implementation

One of the key tenets in good software deisgn is to separate the design of your product from it's implementation.

In some industries, this is much harder to do. When designing a physical product, the structural strength & capabilities of the material being used must be taken into account. There's a reason most bridges have large columns of concrete and steel going down into the water below. From a design perspective, it'd be much better to not have these pillars, thereby disturbing the natural environment less and allowing shipping to pass more easily.

Photo by NJScott. An example of design being (partially) dictated by implementation.

Once you start looking for places where the implementation has "bubbled up" to the design, you start seeing them all over the place. For example, my analogue wristwatch has a date ticker. Most date tickers have 31 days, which means manual adjustment is required after a month with fewer than 31 days. I'm prepared to live with this. However, the date ticker on my watch is made up of two independent wheels - and it climbs to 39 before rolling over, which means manual intervention is required every month! What comes after day 39? day 00 of course!

It's easy to understand why this would be the case - it's much simpler to create a simple counting mechanism that uses two rollers and wraps around at 39 than it is to create one that wraps at the appropriate dates. I have yet to see an analogue wristwatch that accounts for leap-years.

Software engineers have a much easier time; our materials are virtual - ideas, concepts and pixels are much easier to manipulate than concrete and steel. However, there are still limitations imposed on us - for example data can only be retrieved at a certain speed. Hardware often limits the possibilities open to us as programmers. However, these limitations can often be avoided or disguised. Naive implementations often lead to poor performance. A classic example of this is Microsoft's Notepad application. Notepad will load the entire contents of the file into memory at once, which can take a very long time if the file you are opening is large. What's worse is that it will prevent the user from using the application (notepad hangs, rendering it unusable) while this loading is happening. For example, opening a 30MB text file takes roughly 10 seconds on this machine. This seems particularly silly when you consider that you can only ever see a single page of the data at a time - why load the whole file when such a small percentage of it is required at any one time? I guess the programmers who wrote notepad did not intend for this use case, but the point remains valid: an overly-simple implementation led to poor performance.

The unfortunate state of affairs is that the general population have been conditioned to accept bad software as the norm. There really is no excuse for software that is slow, crashes, or is unnecessarily hard to use. It's not until you use a truly incredible piece of software that you realise what can be achieved. So what needs to change? Two things:
  1. Developers need to be given the tools we need to make incredible software. These tools are getting better all the time. My personal preference for the Qt frameworks just paid off with the beta release of Qt 4.7 and QT Creator 2.0. I plan on writing about the new "Quick" framework in the future: I anticipate it making a substantial difference to the way UI designers and developers collaborate on UI design and construction.

  2. Users need to be more discerning and vocal. As an application developers it can be very hard to know what your users think. If you don't get any feedback, are your users happy, or just silent? We need a better way for users to send feedback to developers; it needs to be low-effort fast and efficient.

My Morning thus far

My morning thus far:

Woke up. Noticed it had been snowing. Roughly 4-5 centimetres on the ground, and still coming down, although it's more ice crystals than snow.

Since today is the first day that my company is exhibiting at the BETT trade show in London, got dressed in snazzy new company shirt, and trudged my way (30 minutes) to train station.

Bought £21 ticket. Went into station, just in time to hear announcment that all trains were terminating at woking, and there would be no services to London. Damn!

Walked home through park. Snow quite pretty, but cold and wet as well:

Finally got back home. Roads didn't look too bad, so I thought I could at least drive into office. Cleared car of snow and ice, drive 2 metres forward and got stuck, half in, and half out of driveway!

So here's the thing: If the gulf stream breaks down, or becomes more erratic, this will happen more and more. We need infrastructure to cope with the bad weather. How do other countries deal with this?


Just purchased Torchlight from steam. It's brilliant - casual, but not brain dead, exciting, but not over done, simple, but not stupid. It'll even run on a netbook.

Go - get it now!